
Hospitality Distributors

Calderon assures high-quality products, high service levels, and consistent support with logistics to ensure your success with your client base. We work closely with your sales staff regarding training, product selection, and identification of high-profit items to grow revenue.

Plush Blankets

Soft and lightweight microfiber plush blankets provide warmth and comfort


100% ring-spun pile and cam borders provide durability, softness, and a plush hand feel.

Sweet Dreams Pillow

Microfiber gel-filled pillows provide the utmost comfort and relaxation while being able to be machine washed.

Your Experience Matters

Calderon provides consultative services in order to develop the optimum product line for guests, laundry efficiency and brand budgets. With vast experience in hotel and cruise lines Calderon’s dedicated staff has optimum experience in servicing and partnering with a wide array of clients. Let Calderon assist with the right product mix to help you elevate the overall experience while maximizing your budget.
Let’s Work Together

Experience More with Calderon

Sales Team Training

Staff provide on location, hands-on training to laundry’s sales staff to add technical knowledge and improve success rates.

Marketing Materials

Custom product information sheets and brochures help sales teams succeed.

Sales Team Support

Staff offer live support for sales teams to help with product information, sales process support, and reporting.